Zelda clone running on Ubuntu Linux OS written in Pure C relying on the SDL2 graphics library as a dependency.Controls:
WASD - Movement
Shift + Movement - Dash
F - Pick up
Space - Attack
; - Open Inventory
Pick up sword at the statue north of the spawn point to gain the ability to attack.Slay enemy spider by heading south and warping to the next map.Possible future patches is to rework collision map to use actual points rather than an array map.
Assembles the Geekcreit DIY L298N 2WD Ultrasonic Smart Tracking Moteur Robot Car Kit. Developed by own RobotCar API for Digital Two Wheeled Car and Analog Two Wheeled Car. Additionally, contains an unfinished ESP32 WiFi module code to remote control the Robot Car.
Human Computer Interface Uni course work
Fashion App UI & UX Design w/ Figma
An excellent practice at designing a UI/UX layout for mobile applications while learning to utilise the Figma Design Tool. The application's general idea is a wardrobe application which contains your wardrobe and creates fashion recommendations with the given data. Also, other functionalities include an ecommerce platform where people can sell and buy clothes. The UI/UX design has a simple navigation bar at the bottom allowing navigation through the user settings, wardrobe collection, home page, marketplace page, and orders page, respectively. Naturally, proper forms and authentication forms are provided within the design, as well as several list views of the clothe items .
A fun python script that creates a simulation. The simulation has three entities: A Human Entity, Food Entity, & Vampire Entity. More so, Human Entity can die, consume food, or be infected to a vampire. While, Vampire Entity can be slain by humans, or by other vampires through in fighting. The different timesteps are visualize by plotly by producing an interactive html (containing svg element of the graph), or by a static png image.
Data analysis is performed through by custom-built tool running a python script that processess an airbnb csv data (in 'Dataset.csv') and visualizes it through graphs like line, bar, and etc. Filters can by applied by setting minimum and/or maximum numeric values for a specified attribute, wherein a filter can also be combined with other filters to represent the data differently. An in-depth look in the script, we can see that the csv data is loaded in memory and indexed, so that the filters can be applied by diffing a bitset of indexes with a pre-cached bitset of indexes sorted based on a specific attribute.
This project is a console program used to demonstrate competencies by utilising several common data structures and algorithms. Largely, the project requirements required using Graph data structure and DFS & BFS search algorithm.
Resources:Traffic Management Program Demo ExampleTraffic Management Program Docs
Object Oriented Software Engineering Uni course work
The client runs a small IV Clinic looking for a simple static website to promote their business. Further details:
Website hosted through firebase hosting
Domain registry service provider from registry.com.au
Google Console SEO Optimisation and Sitemaps
Website built as an SPA/CSR using Svelte4
Software Engineering and Testing Uni course work
The report performs analysis of the Test Cases of LevelDB, developed by Google (https://github.com/google/leveldb/). A comprehensive analysis goes over Graph Coverage & Syntax Mutant Testing for two methods and two respective testing methods within the github repository. Specifically,
A lack of some test cases where found that did not sufficiently cover all prime path coverages by the test method for there appropriate method. Additional insightful critiques we're made in the report. In summary, I believe the maintainers wrote testing code with blackbox testing in mind, therefore there are points where the test may be insufficient when the code is analysed through the lens of whitebox testing.
The second part of the report goes through an investigation of the Postman Tool for testing purposes.
Resources:Level DB Coverage Testing Analysis & Testing Tool Investigation Report
Computer Systems Uni course work
An interesting activity where we design the internal and external infrastructure of a hypothetical company with the assumption of an infinite budget. A lot of research went to investigating cloud services and possible internal infrastructures for the conceptual game company. My understanding and knowledge of the fundamental concepts of data security we're applied within the design of the infrastructure.